bladeRF-wiphy is an open-source IEEE 802.11 compatible software defined radio VHDL modem. bladeRF-wiphy is available under GPLv2 on Github! For a technical write-up and documentation, take a look the bladeRF-wiphy page!
The bladeRF-wiphy project is an open-source IEEE 802.11 compatible software defined radio VHDL modem. The modem is able to modulate and demodulate 802.11 packets (the protocol WiFi is based on), and run directly on the bladeRF 2.0 micro xA9’s FPGA.
The bladeRF-wiphy coupled with Linux mac80211 allows the bladeRF 2.0 micro xA9 to become a software defined radio 802.11 access point or client! 802.11 packets (PDUs) are modulated and demodulated directly on the FPGA, so only 802.11 packets are transferred between the FPGA and libbladeRF.
For an in-depth technical overview of bladeRF-wiphy and IEEE 802.11 take a look at .
For instructions on compiling, installing, and running bladeRF-wiphy and tools, take a look at .
Don’t have a bladeRF 2.0 micro xA9? Try experimenting with it in simulation using Modelsim, instructions are available at .
To contact us, support this effort, or contribute, please contact [email protected] or consider joining the #bladeRF channel in bladeRF Slack.