Retrieve calibration information

Please enter your unit's serial number to retrieve the correct calibration data.

The factory calibration VCTCXO DAC trim value for f12ce1037830a1b27f3ceeba1f521413 is:
Decimal: 31337
Hex: 0x7a69
bladeRF size: x40

To write your calibration data to your bladeRF using bladeRF-cli, run the following commands from the command line:
$ bladeRF-cli -i
bladeRF> flash_init_cal 40 0x7a69

[INFO] Reading 0x00010000 bytes from address 0x00030000.
[INFO] Erasing 0x00010000 bytes starting at address 0x00030000.
[INFO] Writing 0x00010000 bytes to address 0x00030000.

More information about saving and restoring your calibration data can be found on our Github wiki.

Enter your bladeRF's serial number to retrieve the factory calibration value.
Serial number:

All specifications subject to change at any time without notice. bladeRF is sold as test equipment and is expected for all intents and purposes to be used as such. Use of this device is at your own risk and discretion. Nuand LLC makes no warranty of any kind (whether express or implied) with regard to material presented on this page, and disclaims any and all warranties, including accuracy of this document, or the implied warranties of merchatability and fitness for use.