Could not load fpga

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Joined: Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:02 am

Could not load fpga

Post by BladeRunnerF »

I receive the following error when trying to do "bladeRF-cli -l hostedx40.rbf":

robert@robert-S400CA:~/Downloads$ bladeRF-cli -l hostedx40.rbf
Loading fpga...
Error: failed to load FPGA: Operation timed out
Could not load fpga

Which may also be related to another issue I'm having using GNURadio:

Using Volk machine: avx_64_mmx
gr-osmosdr v0.1.0-10-g68ed1854 (0.1.1git) gnuradio 3.7.2git-0-gd19aa281
built-in source types: file fcd rtl_tcp uhd bladerf
Loading FPGA bitstream /opt/bladeRF/fpga/hostedx40.rbf...
bladerf_load_fpga has returned with -6
Using nuand LLC bladeRF #0 SN 241513599661139b026dd42429a346e8 FPGA v0.0
ERROR: The FPGA is not configured! Use the device argument fpga=/path/to/the/bitstream.rbf to load it.
bladerf_enable_module has returned with -5
Failed to read samples: File or device I/O failure
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/robert/", line 117, in <module>
tb = top_block()
File "/home/robert/", line 77, in __init__
File "/opt/gnuradio-3.7.1git/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/osmosdr/", line 1136, in set_sample_rate
return _osmosdr_swig.source_sptr_set_sample_rate(self, *args, **kwargs)
RuntimeError: get_sample_rate has failed to get sample rate, error -5


Not sure how to get this thing off the ground and running any help is very much appreciated.
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Joined: Thu Jun 06, 2013 8:15 pm

Re: Could not load fpga

Post by jynik »

Generally, when people have reported a timeout when loading the FPGA, I've found that the common issue has been that they were accidentally trying to load the wrong FPGA variant. For example, they were trying to load the hostedx115.rbf on a 40 kLE device, or vice versa.

If the Altera Cyclone IV FPGA on your bladeRF reads, EP4CE115..., and not EP4CE40..., you should be loading hostedx115.rbf.

Another way to check your FPGA size is to open the device in the CLI, and enter the "info" command, assuming you haven't clobbered the flash region that stores this info.

Code: Select all

$ bladeRF-cli -i
bladeRF> info

  Serial #:                 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  VCTCXO DAC calibration:   0x8658
  FPGA size:                40 KLE
  FPGA loaded:              yes
  USB bus:                  10
  USB address:              6
  USB speed:                SuperSpeed
  Backend:                  libusb
  Instance:                 0

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