Device Address, No Devices, GNU Radio Error

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Device Address, No Devices, GNU Radio Error

Post by BillF »

I'm very new to this SDR and GNU Radio. I recently acquired a bladeRF 2.0 and I'm trying to use it with GNU Radio. I have found a simple example that uses a UHD: USRP Source. For whatever reason, I get an error when I try and execute the file, an error which I understand to be the bladeRF device could not be found. The bladeRF-CLI program has no issues seeing the bladeRF, it is only the python script generated by GNURadio. I'm running this on Windows 10, I have tried running it elevated and it makes no difference. I have tried defining the serial number and leaving it blank.

Do I need a different driver for the bladeRF? Please help me understand what I'm doing wrong.

The error is:
RuntimeError: LookupError: KeyError: No devices found for ------> Device Address:

Thank you in advance!
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