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Can't control sample rates inidvidually

Posted: Tue May 31, 2022 3:08 pm
by pmyarbrough
I'm using an A5, and it should have the most recent firmware, fpga, etc.
When I try to set the sample rate for an individual channel, it overwrites the sample rates for all of the channels.
Is there something I'm missing?
Here's the output from cmd:

C:\Users\Patrick.Yarbrough\Desktop\bladerf>bladerf-cli -e info -e version

Board: Nuand bladeRF 2.0 (bladerf2)
Serial #: 0a4fe0c7a96d43528d1ede7546b89aee
VCTCXO DAC calibration: 0x2357
FPGA size: 77 KLE
FPGA loaded: yes
Flash size: 32 Mbit (assumed)
USB bus: 2
USB address: 7
USB speed: SuperSpeed
Backend: libusb
Instance: 0

bladeRF-cli version: 1.8.0
libbladeRF version: 2.4.1

Firmware version: 2.4.0-git-a3d5c55f
FPGA version: 0.14.0 (configured by USB host)

C:\Users\Patrick.Yarbrough\Desktop\bladerf>bladerf-cli -i
bladeRF> set samplerate tx1 10M

Setting TX1 sample rate - req: 10000000 0/1Hz, actual: 10000000 0/1Hz

bladeRF> print samplerate

RX1 sample rate: 10000000 0/1 (Range: [520834, 61440000])
RX2 sample rate: 10000000 0/1 (Range: [520834, 61440000])
TX1 sample rate: 10000000 0/1 (Range: [520834, 61440000])
TX2 sample rate: 10000000 0/1 (Range: [520834, 61440000])

bladeRF> set samplerate rx1 20M

Setting RX1 sample rate - req: 20000000 0/1Hz, actual: 20000000 0/1Hz

bladeRF> print samplerate

RX1 sample rate: 20000000 0/1 (Range: [520834, 61440000])
RX2 sample rate: 20000000 0/1 (Range: [520834, 61440000])
TX1 sample rate: 20000000 0/1 (Range: [520834, 61440000])
TX2 sample rate: 20000000 0/1 (Range: [520834, 61440000])

Re: Can't control sample rates inidvidually

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2022 6:58 pm
by robert.ghilduta
The AD9361 only has one baseband clock domain, so RX1, RX2, TX1, and TX2 are driven by the same PLL. Changing anyone one channel's sample will change every other channel's sample rate as well.