bladeRF 2.0 micro: FPGA build flow on Windows

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bladeRF 2.0 micro: FPGA build flow on Windows

Post by HB9TVB »

Dear all

I'm trying to get the FPGA build flow working on a Windows machine. My goal is rather simple: I'd like to make some tiny changes (just a few additional lines of VHDL code) to the FPGA. Before building the modified code, I'd prefer to go through the whole build flow and build all required binaries from the original source and download them to the bladeRF to understand the whole process.
I'm able to launch the Nios II command shell, but the problem starts when I try to launch Based on the error message ('Error: quartus_sh (Quartus 'bin' directory) does not appear to be in your PATH') the script seems to exit around line 265. The weird thing is, that when I manually execute the command 'which quartus_sh' it returns no path, although the appropriate path is included in the PATH environment variable.

Is there any chance to get the FPGA build flow working in a Windows environment? Any ideas why the paths are not working / seen, although they are defined in the PATH variable? I'm not refusing Linux, but as I'm doing this project at work I have to use a Windows environment (our IT staff doesn't yet support Linux machines on a regular basis therefore it's a rather big effort to get a Linux machine approved and setup).

Some technical details:
-SDR: bladeRF 2.0 micro A4
-Windows 11 64-bit with Quartus Prime Lite 17.1 and Quartus Prime Lite 22.1
-WSL 2 with Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Many thanks in advance for any advice
Best regards
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Re: bladeRF 2.0 micro: FPGA build flow on Windows

Post by robert.ghilduta »

Hi Alex,

I haven't tried Ubuntu WSL + Quartus. Curious if you found a solution to the issue.

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Re: bladeRF 2.0 micro: FPGA build flow on Windows

Post by dachi »

I'm experiencing exactly the same issue with the same setup on Windows. I've also tried to run it on a native Ubuntu 22.04.03 machine. In the latter case, I can run ./ -b bladeRF-micro -r hosted -s A9 -c but it doesn't generate the project file. After running the script on Ubuntu, the bladeRf/hdl folder appears as below:

Code: Select all

CHANGELOG  fpga  quartus
:cd quartus/
:ls  build.tcl  work
:cd work/
:cd bladerf-micro-A9-hosted/
bladeRF_nios_bsp  fx3_pll  hosted.srf  ip.ipx  nios_system  nios_system.qsys  nios_system.sopcinfo  settings.bsp  system_pll

Any troubleshooting guide?

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