As the title seems to indicate, I am desperately trying to retransmit an IQ file for a school project.
Indeed, I created a IQ file (wav file) via SDR# with 2MPS in samplerate, a PMR446 simply with a 10kHz bandwidth filter. I am using the official Nuand library (bladeRF Sink) with a bladeRF xA5.
I set in the settings the same samplerate (2MPS) as under SDR# and I can see that something is being sent. But I'm not getting my signal back the way I'd like it to.
I think some basic notion have to escape me, and that's why I appeal to your help.
You will find below, my flowgraph.
My hardware :
BladeRF xA5
Raspberry Pi 4 2go (Ubuntu Server 21.04)
2 antenna SRH 789
Code: Select all
author: ''
catch_exceptions: 'True'
category: '[GRC Hier Blocks]'
cmake_opt: ''
comment: ''
copyright: ''
description: ''
gen_cmake: 'On'
gen_linking: dynamic
generate_options: qt_gui
hier_block_src_path: '.:'
id: transceiver
max_nouts: '0'
output_language: python
placement: (0,0)
qt_qss_theme: ''
realtime_scheduling: ''
run: 'True'
run_command: '{python} -u {filename}'
run_options: prompt
sizing_mode: fixed
thread_safe_setters: ''
title: Not titled yet
window_size: (1000,1000)
bus_sink: false
bus_source: false
bus_structure: null
coordinate: [8, 8]
rotation: 0
state: enabled
- name: samp_rate
id: variable
comment: ''
value: 2e6
bus_sink: false
bus_source: false
bus_structure: null
coordinate: [184, 20.0]
rotation: 0
state: enabled
- name: bladeRF_sink_0
id: bladeRF_sink
affinity: ''
alias: ''
bias_tee0: 'False'
bias_tee1: 'False'
bw: '0'
comment: ''
dac: '10000'
dc_calibration: LPF_TUNING
device_id: '0'
fpga_image: /home/ubuntu/hostedxA5-latest.rbf
fpga_reload: 'False'
freq: 433e6
gain0: '30'
gain1: '10'
if_gain0: '20'
if_gain1: '20'
in_clk: ONBOARD
lpf_mode: disabled
maxoutbuf: '0'
metadata: 'False'
minoutbuf: '0'
nchan: '1'
out_clk: 'False'
ref_clk: 384e5
sample_rate: samp_rate
sampling: internal
show_pmic: 'False'
smb: '0'
tamer: internal
trigger0: 'False'
trigger1: 'False'
trigger_role0: master
trigger_role1: master
trigger_signal0: J51_1
trigger_signal1: J51_1
use_dac: 'False'
verbosity: verbose
xb200: none
bus_sink: false
bus_source: false
bus_structure: null
coordinate: [664, 212.0]
rotation: 0
state: true
- name: blocks_float_to_complex_0
id: blocks_float_to_complex
affinity: ''
alias: ''
comment: ''
maxoutbuf: '0'
minoutbuf: '0'
vlen: '1'
bus_sink: false
bus_source: false
bus_structure: null
coordinate: [280, 152.0]
rotation: 0
state: enabled
- name: blocks_wavfile_source_0
id: blocks_wavfile_source
affinity: ''
alias: ''
comment: ''
file: /home/ubuntu/DMR_15_kHz_FM.wav
maxoutbuf: '0'
minoutbuf: '0'
nchan: '2'
repeat: 'True'
bus_sink: false
bus_source: false
bus_structure: null
coordinate: [32, 140.0]
rotation: 0
state: enabled
- name: qtgui_freq_sink_x_0
id: qtgui_freq_sink_x
affinity: ''
alias: ''
alpha1: '1.0'
alpha10: '1.0'
alpha2: '1.0'
alpha3: '1.0'
alpha4: '1.0'
alpha5: '1.0'
alpha6: '1.0'
alpha7: '1.0'
alpha8: '1.0'
alpha9: '1.0'
autoscale: 'False'
average: '1.0'
axislabels: 'True'
bw: samp_rate
color1: '"blue"'
color10: '"dark blue"'
color2: '"red"'
color3: '"green"'
color4: '"black"'
color5: '"cyan"'
color6: '"magenta"'
color7: '"yellow"'
color8: '"dark red"'
color9: '"dark green"'
comment: ''
ctrlpanel: 'False'
fc: 433e6
fftsize: '1024'
freqhalf: 'True'
grid: 'False'
gui_hint: ''
label: Relative Gain
label1: ''
label10: ''''''
label2: ''''''
label3: ''''''
label4: ''''''
label5: ''''''
label6: ''''''
label7: ''''''
label8: ''''''
label9: ''''''
legend: 'True'
maxoutbuf: '0'
minoutbuf: '0'
name: '""'
nconnections: '1'
norm_window: 'False'
showports: 'False'
tr_chan: '0'
tr_level: '0.0'
tr_mode: qtgui.TRIG_MODE_FREE
tr_tag: '""'
type: complex
units: dB
update_time: '0.10'
width1: '1'
width10: '1'
width2: '1'
width3: '1'
width4: '1'
width5: '1'
width6: '1'
width7: '1'
width8: '1'
width9: '1'
wintype: window.WIN_BLACKMAN_hARRIS
ymax: '10'
ymin: '-140'
bus_sink: false
bus_source: false
bus_structure: null
coordinate: [288, 404.0]
rotation: 0
state: true
- name: virtual_sink_0
id: virtual_sink
alias: ''
comment: ''
stream_id: iq_flux
bus_sink: false
bus_source: false
bus_structure: null
coordinate: [496, 156.0]
rotation: 0
state: true
- name: virtual_source_0
id: virtual_source
alias: ''
comment: ''
stream_id: iq_flux
bus_sink: false
bus_source: false
bus_structure: null
coordinate: [48, 244.0]
rotation: 0
state: true
- name: virtual_source_0_0
id: virtual_source
alias: ''
comment: ''
stream_id: iq_flux
bus_sink: false
bus_source: false
bus_structure: null
coordinate: [48, 340.0]
rotation: 0
state: true
- [blocks_float_to_complex_0, '0', virtual_sink_0, '0']
- [blocks_wavfile_source_0, '0', blocks_float_to_complex_0, '0']
- [blocks_wavfile_source_0, '1', blocks_float_to_complex_0, '1']
- [virtual_source_0, '0', bladeRF_sink_0, '0']
- [virtual_source_0_0, '0', qtgui_freq_sink_x_0, '0']
file_format: 1