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Wish List for Upcoming Changes?

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 4:27 am
by peepyopee
I’m curious if there is any roadmap for Nuand software defined radios that is available for public release? If not, is there is a thread on this forum that contains user wish list for what we want to see in future products?

Some thoughts come to mind:

1. USB-C connectivity. Not sure if there is a newer iteration of FX3 that is applicable to this type of connectivity. Would be great from a connector and throughput perspective (if USB3.2 or USB4.0 are an option).
2. Newer transceiver choices. AD9361 is awesome, but 10 years old at this point. Not familiar enough with the transceiver landscape, but are things like ADRV9008 / ADRV9009 being pursued or other suppliers in general e.g. Xilinx Ultrascale RFSoC? Are we heading towards wider IBW and larger sample rates? Higher in frequency? Etc.
3. More configurability for LO sharing. Would love to be flexible and allow sharing of an LO between transmit and receive to maintain phase coherency.

Anyways, just some thoughts. I love the product, for the price point it is unparalleled!

Re: Wish List for Upcoming Changes?

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2024 3:02 am
by Nanasi1
Some of the features you mentioned, such as USB-C connectivity, newer transceiver choices, and more configurability for LO sharing, are indeed very desirable for software defined radio enthusiasts. However, they also pose some technical and economic challenges, such as compatibility, availability, cost, and performance. Nuand is always striving to improve their products and offer the best value for their customers, but they also have to balance the trade-offs and feasibility of different options bitlife

Re: Wish List for Upcoming Changes?

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2024 8:55 pm
by cardgross
In a virtual machine, are you? If yes, could you kindly slice master tell me the software and if XHCI support is active? RX overruns are to be expected.